General Liv Discussion / Re: Pix
« Last post by cmr on October 22, 2022, 12:59:08 PM »Never saw this photo by Kelly Klein
#sendbacksaturday to those crazy 1990s… here’s @misslivalittle with the incomparable @therealformika … I raised her well and she had the best babysitters NYC could offer… including @missguynyc who taught her how to do certain makeup tricks that came in handy when she got older.
I think we’re at Squeezebox here on a night I sang so Liv came too. No, it wasn’t a school night! Just another fabulous Friday at Don Hill’s…
Sometimes I miss those days and all my friends… 💋💋❤️#livtyler #mistressformika #bebebuell #squeezebox #donhills
this one is also by Terry O'NeillThanks - updated