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Topics - JoeyPajamas

Pages: [1]
Keep in Touch / Fav Christmas Gift?
« on: December 31, 2020, 02:33:00 PM »
So I know Christmas isn't really about the gifts, but I thought it might be fun to share what we received that we are most exited/ happy/ surprised with.

For me, it was these beautiful Puma Sonic the Hedgehog RS-X3 trainers my in-laws gifted me. I'm not interested in fashion at the best of times and I care even less about shoes, but these are just so frikking cool. Someone their release completely passed me by so it was a huge surprise to receive them. The question now is do I wear them or just keep them mint?  :P

(Extra photos can be seen HERE)

General Liv Discussion / Favourite Pics of Liv!
« on: December 08, 2020, 02:42:09 PM »
This was a popular thread on the old forum, so I thought it'd be fun to reinvigorate it here. As tempting as it was to use the Essence by Triumph images as my favourite  :teehee:, I'm going to go for this one as she looks so stunningly elegant.

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